Errors & Omissions Insurance

Errors and Omissions Liability Coverage Insurance protects the negligent or unintentional errors, wrongful acts, and mistaken information given and performed by members of licensed professional fields such as:
- Insurance Agent Brokers
- Accountants
- Attorneys
- Wealth managers
- Management Services
- Investment Advisors
- Architects
- Engineers
- Publishers
- Advertising
- Stockbrokers
- Advertising
- Broadcasters
- Third Party Administrators
- Real Estate Agents
- Contractors
- Construction
- Computer managers
- Software Developers
Do not hesitate to contact one of our agents at (877) 496-7283 to further assist any questions you may have.Please make a special note for all professional liability, Fiduciary Liability, E&O Liability and Malpractice Liability continuous coverage is necessary to you from “claims made” after you leave the business or have retired